希柯环保已安装超过3,2000套空气污染控制系统,每年能够消除超过44亿磅污染物,相当于减少了道路上超过5000万辆乘用车的污染物排放量。希柯环保的技术和产品可减少或消除有害污染物,包括 一氧化碳(CO)、挥发性有机化合物(VOC)、氮氧化物(NOx)、有害空气污染物(HAP)、酸性气体和颗粒物。


At CECO we are energized by our mission to protect people, the environment, and industrial equipment. And we are embracing sustainability inside our company and across the global business environment. This is not just a simple initiative; this is who we are. Thank you for joining us as we pursue the journey ahead. Together, we will make a real difference.



“CECO has a proud history of delivering efficient and long-lasting solutions that protect people, the environment, and industrial equipment. Our industry-leading products and services ensure our customers meet or exceed environmental regulations and targets. And CECO’s mission and values have long empowered our employees and partners to embrace the central tenets of ESG and what it represents.

I see tremendous value in integrating an even more deliberate ESG approach to CECO’s growth and operational strategies. We are early in our formal ESG journey, but it has already strengthened our resolve to make a positive impact. The formation of our Executive ESG Steering Committee brought together representatives from each of CECO’s businesses and functions. This collaboration has strengthened our team alignment and will drive a focused investment in CECO’s future ESG initiatives. We are proud of our history, but we realize our journey is far from complete. I am excited to share some of the many ways we are dedicated to advancing our ESG program to benefit all stakeholders.”

—Todd Gleason

CECO recognizes that as a company, we have a responsibility to reduce our own impact on the environment as well as lead in developing solutions to address global environmental challenges today and in the future.

To protect the environment from harmful byproducts of industrial production, CECO’s industrial air filtration and emissions management solutions eliminate countless tons of airborne pollutants annually. These highly engineered, leading solutions meet or exceed the most stringent environmental regulation or environmental targets.

We have a unique opportunity and responsibility to continue to build a company that promotes social responsibility across our enterprise. This means recruiting, developing, retaining, and embracing a talented workforce that represents great diversity. It also means ensuring we have a safe environment to work and one that promotes learning and community involvement.

Creating value for our shareholders while ensuring we are leaning into the challenges of the ever-changing business environment is critical to CECO. Our Win Right values help guide our leadership and processes, and ensure we remain pointed to our “True North” of integrity and accountability. CECO has a strong track record of governance, ethics, compliance, risk management and data security.

